A variety of evidence-based, curriculum-driven programs are provided to youth in school and community settings to increase their perception of risk of using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; as well as increasing positive decision making skills. These programs include the nationally recognized South Carolina Teen Institute, All Stars, Guiding Good Choices and Project Northland. These programs are utilized county-wide and supported by the “Getting to Outcomes” model to ensure successful implementation. (Eight Warning Signs Your Child Could Be Addicted)
Parent and Child Transitions
Parent and Child Transitions is an eight-hour educational program that helps parents, children, and families deal with the difficult transitions that accompany divorce.
Rotarians in Drug Deterrence Education (RIDDE)
A collaborative program of the Florence Rotary Clubs, Circle Park, and Florence School District 1, RIDDE consist of a ten lesson curriculum centered on helping elementary school students develop the personal skills they need to resist the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, avoid violence and conflict, and make healthy lifestyle choices.
Alcohol Education Program
AEP is a thirteen-hour educational program that teaches youth about the negative consequences of underage drinking and its potentially devastating impact on individuals and their families. Referrals are made to the program through the 12th Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s office.
Tobacco Education Program
TEP is a four-hour tobacco education and awareness program targeting youth under the age of 18. The program is in response to The Underage Tobacco Act of 2006 which makes it illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to possess, purchase, or use tobacco products in South Carolina. Referrals to the program are made through the judicial system, and it is also available to any youth in the community under the age of 18.
Community Services and Development
Circle Park provides literature, presentations and experiential training to increase community education and awareness to measurably reduce youth access to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, establish community laws that disapprove of unlawful use and increase community involvement. Presentations and available literature address media advocacy, parenting techniques, personal skill development and staff training.
Services are provided to educate and make the community aware of a variety of issues involving HIV/ AIDS transmission. Services offered include testing, counseling, and referrals to appropriate area resources. Services target preventing the transfer of HIV/AIDS by reducing risky behaviors involving alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Florence County Coalition for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention
The Coalition’s mission is to develop and implement, through interagency and community collaboration, a comprehensive and community-based prevention strategy. The Coalition is composed of volunteers who represent Florence County’s various industries, agencies, organizations and communities, supported by a professional staff employed by Circle Park. Since its inception, the county coalition has established community coalitions in the Lake City, Johnsonville and Pamplico areas to ensure that its efforts are county-wide. The Coalition operates several task forces and initiatives such as:
- Alcohol Enforcement Team:AET is a multi-jurisdictional law enforcement team that actively works in Florence and Marion Counties to reduce the access and use of alcohol by underage youth. This is a collaborative effort between numerous law enforcement agencies that team together to conduct initiatives such as; compliance checks, public safety checkpoints, saturation patrols, party patrols and shoulder taps. In support of this effort to enforce underage drinking laws, Circle Park provides law enforcement officer training and media advocacy initiatives to assist youth in deconstructing pro alcohol messages in today’s music and media. These evidence-based strategies have proved to be effective in reducing the use of and access to alcohol by minors.
- Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws:EUDL is an effort that focuses on reducing the availability and access to alcohol by underage youth by effective law enforcement techniques, and media literacy initiatives to help youth deconstruct media messages such as: billboards, commercials, and advertisements.
- Palmetto Retailer’s Education Program:PREP is a course that helps reduce underage access to alcohol and tobacco products in our communities, while also lowering the liability risks for businesses and their employees. The curriculum provides managers and servers/ sellers with the knowledge and skills to comply with state, community, and establishment level alcohol and tobacco policies, and to avoid the potential consequences of failing to comply with those policies.
- Parenting Issues Task Force:The Parenting Issues Task Force promotes awareness of issues affecting parents and empowering them to deal with societal issues, such as alcohol and drug abuse and its negative consequences that face their children including: school failure and drop-out, child abuse and neglect, gang violence, sexual activity and fetal alcohol syndrome.
View our recent Public Service Announcement to promote increased parential involvement on underage drinking prevention. The PSA is entitled “I need a Parent, not a Friend”; produced by Circle Park for the Florence County Coalition for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention with funding from “Drug Free Communities” grant.